Sunday, April 3, 2011


Devin S. Cooper ‘11
As partial fulfillment of her minor in Creative Writing
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Location: Elrod Commons, Rm. 114
Time: 4:30pm
free & open to the public

- by Devin Cooper

You know before I met Daddy I couldn’t count higher than 10.
But when I met Daddy a year ago, I learned how to count up to 69…
Yup all the way to 69.

Then after I had learnt all those numbers,
Daddy put me on the track.
He said I would become a business woman!!
Can you believe that?!
I ain’t even had to go to school
 (Yeah fuck the eighth grade)

At 15, I became a business woman.
I had more tricks in my bag than the most famous porno star.
Daddy said I had diversified my stock…

I could be traded on Wall Street!
But being a business woman wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.
I ain’t make no money!
And Daddy turned real mean all a sudden when I didn’t make enough profit.

I told him I was leaving, going back to my mama.
He had the nerve to ask “What you gonna tell her? Mama I’m finished being a ‘ho?”
No! Imma tell her that I got an education…
I can count to 69 and I got my own business!
Then he says “Being a ‘ho ain’t no business.”

Well I guess he’s right,
Mama won’t like that I’m a ‘ho business woman
Well at least I got my education…right?

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